Wednesday, April 7, 2010

test...again and again and again!!!!!!

huhu,got a lot of test this week....last monday,i had core maths test...the questions seems ok but i'm still don't have enough time to complete and make sure i answer all the question...hurm,maths can be considered as ok..

the next day,tuesday i have final exam for IELTS aspeaking...OMG!!i'm freaking out...i got the title about friends and historical places...i can't think much and i just simply said museum terengganu because i had went there for several's seems ok for part two but part three is like nightmare!!!she asked me about the historical places in the future and my opinions about that...i really don't have any point to elaborate and i just simply said whatever came across my mind..

then today i got bio test...that was very unexpected...the same things happen and happen again...we had discussed the questions in class,but i still can answer the questions....we are given an article and we need to scan the points in that article..that's a lot!!!it was very lousy and i can't describe it more in words...hurm,the chemistry test will be next week and two weeks after that i got study exam is just around the corner!!!!so,what are you waiting for?????make revision and study now~

sila like,picit je =D

2 kata-kata semangat:

IRAH HAJERAH AZMAN said... [Reply]

guwd luck.anyway try la bace sindiket selamatkan pointer :)

sjaa64 said... [Reply]

mIsH IeRA cIK irAh

thanx.. :D

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